50828 - Eilzug-Set E 1642 DB, 5er-Set
Special model

Express Train Set E 1642 DB, set of 5

Road no.: siehe unten / see below

Item no: 50828
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
Item no: 50829
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
Item no: 50830
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic

Model details

  • Diesel Locomotive BR 216 (Road no. 216 209-7)
  • Luggage Car MDyg986 (Road no. 50 80 92-11 850-6)
  • 2 x Passenger Coach 2nd class (Road no. 50 80 21-11 220-8 / 50 80 21-11 388-3)
  • 1 x Passenger Coach 1st / 2nd class (Road no. 50 80 30-11 054-0)

Overview of technical functions

Diesel locomotive BR 216

Driving function
Light change
Tail lights separately switchable 1)
Driver cabin lighting 1)
Shunting lights 2)
Digital interfacePluX22PluX22

Passenger Coaches

LED-Lighting (One coach with decoder) 
Electric coupling 

1) Manually switchable via switch for analog operation; digitally switchable with decoder

2) Function only available in digital mode

Luggage Car without technical features.


Info about the original

With the goal of improving rail connections between the less structurally developed regions and the major conurbations, the Bundesbahn launched an improved service for its customers in the 1950s. The aim was to enable passengers to reach their destination in the nearest major city without changing trains if possible. The resulting repurposed express trains were well received by the public. The chosen routes largely avoided the main lines and arteries, earning these trains the nickname “hedgerow express". One such train was the E 1642, which was commissioned in 1974. This train travelled from Braunschweig to Aachen via Kreiensen – Holzminden – Wehrden (Weser) – Beverungen – Scherfede – Brilon Wald – Schwerte – Hagen – Wuppertal – Cologne.

Further models of the same series

41186 - Diesellok BR 216 H.F. Wiebe
Diesel Locomotive BR 216 H.F. Wiebe
41176 - Diesellok BR V160 DB
Diesel Locomotive BR V160 DB
41172 - Diesellok BR 216 H.F. Wiebe
Diesel Locomotive BR 216 H.F. Wiebe
41168 - Diesellok BR 216 DB Cargo
Diesel Locomotive BR 216 DB Cargo
41164 - Diesellok BR 216 DB
Diesel Locomotive BR 216 DB
41160 - Diesellok BR 216 DB
Diesel Locomotive BR 216 DB
41156 - Diesellok BR V160 DB
Diesel Locomotive BR V160 DB