Spare Parts Service
So that everything runs like clockwork – ordering spare parts without a hitch
A six-step guide to placing an order
Step1: Consult the Operating Manual that is enclosed with each model or download it here.
Step2: Look up the part number in the spare parts list.
Step 3: Complete the online form below or alternatively download the PDF version of the order form.
Step 4: Order the spare parts from BRAWA or your specialist dealer via the order form.
Step 5: With an oder by BRAWA you will receive an invoice per Mail. You can pay by bank transfer or cedit card. The data transmission is able per Mail or Phone.
Step 5: Delivery will be made as soon as possible. The following applies for direct orders with BRAWA: For delivery within Germany we will charge a shipping costs of 5.95 €. For shippings into foreign countries, we will charge the shipping costs (no shipping to Switzerland).
Order request for spare parts
You can use this form to request spare parts for your BRAWA models directly from BRAWA. Please note that your order can only be processed if all mandatory fields (labelled with an *) have been fully completed. You can also download the order form as a PDF file and request your desired spare parts from your specialist dealer or directly from BRAWA using this form (fax: +49 7151 74662, e-mail: ersatzteile@)
Orders from russia are currently not accepted.