46572 - Steuerwagen BPw4nf-59 DB
Deviating road no.

Control Car BPw4nf-59 DB

Road no.: 96 214 Ksl

Item no: 46572
motorisierung/system: 6 DC
Direct currentDirect current
Sold out
Item no: 46576
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
Sold out
Item no: 46577
motorisierung/system: 4 AC
Alternating currentAlternating current
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
Sold out
lüp: 303
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
lichtwechsel: 3 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 6 DC
Direct currentDirect current
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
motorisierung/system: 4 AC
Alternating currentAlternating current
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 303
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
lichtwechsel: 3 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic


Info about the original

The conversion programmes for 3yg- and 4yg coaches allowed the German Federal Railway to address the shortage of coaches caused by the war for the first time from the mid-1950s. However, the construction programmes were limited initially to developing urban rapid transit and express train coaches. Following this, the German Federal Railway created capacity for developing new commuter coaches (n-coaches). The constantly growing demand for increased traffic volume and the fact that the 3yg had only been designed for a short service life, led to the appearance of the first prototypes for the new n-coaches in 1958. Based on the findings of the preceding new developments and prototypes, three basic types emerged with five 1st class compartments in the centre of the coach and two large 2nd class cabins (AB4nb), three large 2nd class cabins (B4nb) and two large 2nd class cabins and baggage compartment with space for the train conductor (BD4nf). Although prototypes had also been trialled with side panels made from aluminium, standard steel and corrugated side walls, metal panelling made from stainless steel (V2A) was eventually chosen for mass production. Since the coach paintwork corrosion protection was not required for this material, the n-coaches were abraded under the windows using a peacock eye pattern. This abrading pattern and the silver surface of the V2A quickly earned the n coach the distinctive nickname “Silberlinge”. Except for a few models fitted with lightweight design Minden-Deutz bogies, the n-coaches were fitted with block brakes (MD42), which were replaced with disk brakes (MD43) in later series. In order to change passengers as quickly as possible, the otherwise common end entrances were abandoned and positioned approximately a third of the way along the coach as double entrances with hinged-folding doors. The basic design of the n-coach proved so successful that between 1960 and 1980 a total of about 5000 coaches were constructed by different coach manufacturers as well as at the Karlsruhe and Hannover refurbishment facilities (Aw). At first, conditions in the extremely cramped conductor’s space in the BD4nf were less than ideal, and it was soon nicknamed the “rabbit hutch” by staff, leading to discontent and safety concerns. As a result, Aw Karlsruhe rebuilt the conductor’s cab, producing a control car in 1972 with a fully-fledged conductor’s cab without any through access to the next coach. These changes meant that the Karlsruhe version differed significantly from the previous “rabbit hutch” with its passageway between the coaches. From the mid-1980s, the Federal Railways started to modernise coaches that were in some cases already 20 years old. Following several design studies, the positive features of the individual programmes were combined at Aw Hannover in the new Hannover design. New features also consisted of the mint green paintwork or new sliding windows with plastic frames. This design, which was also installed by PFA Weiden or OFV Verona using alternative interior colours, can still be found in modern n-coaches that have been painted in the DB AG corporate colours. Other conversions were performed on the control cars. The two designs that had been introduced earlier were only suitable for either diesel or electric traction, depending on the control panel installed. For this reason, a new conductor’s cab was designed at Aw Wittenberge, based on the DB standard driver’s cab of the BR 111, so that the control cabs could be deployed with greater freedom. Numerous “rabbit hutches” and also Karlsruhe versions were subsequently converted to the Wittenberge model. In order to meet the demand for push-pull trains, DB AG also included standard 2nd class coaches in the conversion programme.

Optional accessories

2212 - LED-Beleuchtungsplatine, warmweiß, längenvariabel
LED Light PCB, warm white, variable lenght

Further models of the same series

46685 - Steuerwagen Bdnf§736§ DB (Köln Hbf)
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46679 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrzb§704§ "Bahlsen" DB
Passenger Coach ABnrzb704 "Bahlsen" DB
46676 - Steuerwagen BDnrzf§738§ "Hengstenberg" DB
Control Car BDnrzf738 "Hengstenberg" DB
46670 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrzb§704§ "Flughafen Frankfurt/Main" DB
Passenger Coach ABnrzb704 "Flughafen Frankfurt/Main" DB
46667 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrzb§704§ "Hertie" DB
Passenger Coach ABnrzb704 "Hertie" DB
46664 - Nahverkehrswagen Brnzb§724§ "Doornkaat" DB
Passenger Coach Brnzb724 "Doornkaat" DB
46655 - Steuerwagen Bnrdzf§463.0§ DB AG (Lindau Hbf)
Control Car Bnrdzf463.0 DB AG (Lindau Hbf)
46654 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnrz§436.0§ DB AG
Passenger Coach Bnrz436.0 DB AG
46653 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnr§451.4§ DB AG
Passenger Coach Bnr451.4 DB AG
46652 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrz§403.4§ DB AG
Passenger Coach ABnrz403.4 DB AG
46643 - Steuerwagen BDnrzb§784§ "City-Bahn" DB (Gummersbach)
Control Car BDnrzb784 "City-Bahn" DB (Gummersbach)
46642 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnrzb§778.1§ "City-Bahn" DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb778.1 "City-Bahn" DB
46641 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnrzb§778.1§ "City-Bahn" DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb778.1 "City-Bahn" DB
46640 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrzb§772§ "City-Bahn" DB
Passenger Coach ABnrzb772 "City-Bahn" DB
46631 - Steuerwagen Bnrdzf§463.0§ TRI
Control Car Bnrdzf463.0 TRI
46630 - Reisezugwagen Bnrz§450.3§ TRI
Passenger Coach Bnrz450.3 TRI
46629 - Reisezugwagen Bnrz§451.1§ TRI
Passenger Coach Bnrz451.1 TRI
46628 - Reisezugwagen ABnrz§417.6§ TRI
Passenger Coach ABnrz417.6 TRI
46623 - Reisezugwagen Bnrz§724§ DB AG
Passenger Coach Bnrz724 DB AG
46621 - Reisezugwagen Bnrz§450.1§ DB AG
Passenger Coach Bnrz450.1 DB AG
46620 - Reisezugwagen Bnrzb§724§ DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb724 DB
46619 - Reisezugwagen Bnrzb§724§ DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb724 DB
46599 - Steuerwagen BDnrzf§739§ DB
Control Car BDnrzf739 DB
46598 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnrzb§725§ DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb725 DB
46597 - Nahverkehrswagen Bnrzb§725§ DB
Passenger Coach Bnrzb725 DB
46596 - Nahverkehrswagen ABnrb§704§ DB
Passenger Coach ABnrb704 DB
46581 - Steuerwagen BDnrzf§784.2§ DB (Hamburg Hbf)
Control Car BDnrzf784.2 DB (Hamburg Hbf)
46580 - Nahverkehrswagen Bn§433§ DB
Passenger Coach Bn433 DB
46579 - Nahverkehrswagen Bn§433§ DB
Passenger Coach Bn433 DB
46578 - Nahverkehrswagen ABn§404§ DB
Passenger Coach ABn404 DB
46571 - Nahverkehrswagen B4nb-59a DB
Passenger Coach B4nb-59a DB
46570 - Nahverkehrswagen B4nb-59a DB
Passenger Coach B4nb-59a DB
46569 - Nahverkehrswagen AB4nb-59 DB
Passenger Coach AB4nb-59 DB
46551 - Steuerwagen Bnrdzf§483.0§ DB AG (München Hbf)
Control Car Bnrdzf483.0 DB AG (München Hbf)
46549 - Steuerwagen Bnrdzf§740.2§ DB AG (Hannover Hbf)
Control Car Bnrdzf740.2 DB AG (Hannover Hbf)
46539 - Steuerwagen BD4nf-59 DB
Control Car BD4nf-59 DB