50843 - Zugset F 3/4 Merkur DB, 5er-Set
Special model

Train Set F 3/4 Merkur DB, set of 5

Road no.: siehe unten / see below

Item no: 50843
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
Delivery date: Q2/2025
Item no: 50844
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
Delivery date: Q2/2025
Item no: 50845
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
Delivery date: Q2/2025
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
(allgemein) haftreifen: 4
4 wheels with fiction tyreswheels with fiction tyres
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 2 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
(allgemein) haftreifen: 4
4 wheels with fiction tyreswheels with fiction tyres
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 2 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic

Model details

  • Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB (Road no. 01 115)
  • Express Train Coach A4ümg-54 DB (Road no. 11 918 Ffm)
  • Express Train Coach A4ümg-54 DB (Road no. 11 855 Stg)
  • Express Train Coach A4ümg-54 DB (Road no. 11 904 Stg)
  • Dining Car WR4ü-28/51 DSG (Road no. 12 30)

Overview of technical functions

Light change
Fire flickering 
Driver cabin lighting1)
Engine lighting 
Smoke generator 2)2)
Digital interfacePluX22PluX22PluX22

1) function only available in digital mode

2) smoke generator can be retrofitted (FAQ "questions about our products")

Info about the original

Reconstruction in Germany was in full swing when the Federal Railway (DB) launched a network of F-trains for official and commercial transport in the summer of 1951. This internationally recognised move by the DB was a clear response to the emerging trend of private motorised transport and the rapidly growing aviation industry. From the outset, the F 3/4 train service, which ran from Frankfurt (M) via Cologne to Hamburg and back, was part of this train network. In 1952, these trains were given the name “Merkur” (Mercury), representing the Roman god of trade, merchants and travellers. Over time, the Merkur trains underwent frequent changes in appearance, and the line was also adapted to suit customer needs. Initially, BR 01-series locomotives were used to pull these trains. In subsequent years, vehicles of the series 03, 03.10, 18.5, 18.6, 39, V200 and E18 took turns as train locomotives. From the summer of 1959 to 1961, the F3 line was redirected from Frankfurt via Wiesbaden central station. The rolling stock had already transitioned to the new 26.4 metre-long 1st class carriages including an old-style dining car of the type WR4ü-28, -35 or -39. During the summer of 1959, the 01 149 locomotive from the Darmstadt railway depot was regularly deployed on this section of the line. No doubt driven by economic considerations, the task of pulling the trains was later given to the BR 01 locomotives from the Wiesbaden railway depot, as visually documented by our 01 115.

Further models of the same series

70100 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
70088 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
70068 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB, Museumslok: BEM – Bayrisches Eisenbahnmuseum e.V.
Express Train Locomotive BR 001 DB, Museum Locomotive: BEM – Bayrisches Eisenbahnmuseum e.V.
70064 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 001 DB
70060 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
40996 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DRG
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DRG
40992 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DRG
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DRG
40984 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 Museumslok Verein "Pacific 01 202"
Express Train Museum Locomotive BR 01 association "Pacific 01 202"
40980 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 001 DB
40976 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DR
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DR
40972 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
40968 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DRG
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DRG
40956 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
40952 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DRG
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DRG
40936 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 001 DB
40932 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB
40924 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DB
Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DB