40952 - Schnellzuglok BR 01 DRG

Express Train Locomotive BR 01 DRG

Road no.: 01 201 Rbd Dresden; Bw Dresden-Altstadt

Item no: 40952
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
Sold out
Item no: 40954
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): eingebaut
Locomotive has a smoke generatorLocomotive has a smoke generator
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
Sold out
Item no: 40955
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): eingebaut
Locomotive has a smoke generatorLocomotive has a smoke generator
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 275.3
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
(allgemein) haftreifen: 4
4 wheels with fiction tyreswheels with fiction tyres
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 1 Zweilicht-Spitzensignal in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): 20
Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20Locomotive is prepared for the installation of a smoke generator 20
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
rauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): eingebaut
Locomotive has a smoke generatorLocomotive has a smoke generator
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebautrauchgenerator (fix oder dynamisch: eingebaut/vorbereitet oder 20): eingebautdecoderdoehlerhaass: 1lüp: 275.3
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
(allgemein) haftreifen: 4
4 wheels with fiction tyreswheels with fiction tyres
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 1 Zweilicht-Spitzensignal in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic

Model details

  • Boiler, driver's cab and tender made of high-quality, impact-resistant plastic
  • Perforated underframe and spoked wheels in die-cast zinc
  • Smoke generator and sound decoder, either built in or as a retrofit option
  • Illuminated driver's cab
  • True-to epoch lighting, multipart lamp housing
  • Standard shaft rear with link guide
  • Close coupling between locomotive and tender
  • Perfectly replicated back boilerplate
  • Finest paintwork and printing
  • Lines and extra mounted parts in minimum material thickness
  • Extra mounted steps
  • 1000 mm leading wheels
  • Navigable minimum radius: The models of BR 01 are technically suitable for R 360. For best driving characteristics we recommend the use on R 420.
Abbildungen zeigen Modell der gleichen Baureihe.

Overview of technical functions

Light change
Fire flickering 
Driver cabin lighting1)
Engine lighting 
Smoke generator 
Digital interfacePluX22PluX22PluX22

1) function only available in digital mode


Das BRAWA Modell der Dampflok BR 01 wurde in der Leserwahl des Eisenbahn-Magazins zum "Modell des Jahres 2022" gekürt.

Info about the original

The Cologne Reichsbahn directorate did not receive the 01 192 – 198 locomotives for operations along the Rhine until 1936/1937, which was very late indeed. 01 193 was phased out on 21.12.1936 and assigned to the Deutzerfeld railway depot. The area of responsibility for the locomotive included the route of the legendary “Rheingold-Express”, assumed from the BR 18.5. As early as 1930, the Offenburg railway depot operated it with an 01 vehicle along the Upper Rhine to Basel. The 01 193 also survived the war in Cologne and moved to Hamm in 1948. Here, it operated on the East-West axis between Aachen and Hanover with numerous sister locomotives until 1959 and was then transferred to Paderborn. A new high-performance boiler was installed in Nied in 1960. In 1964, it was passed on to Rheine after only five years. As was the case with trains starting in Paderborn, it turned in Kassel and travelled north to Bremen, Emden and Oldenburg. The “Rheiner 01” vehicles were often installed with a 2´2T30 Tender for utilisation in The Netherlands. The increasing allocation of the 01.10 meant that the 01 became expendable, the 001 193-2 was decommissioned as early as 21.06.1968. Gustav Ahrens GmbH dismantled it in Essen-Rellinghausen in September and October 1969.

Further models of the same series

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70068 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB, Museumslok: BEM – Bayrisches Eisenbahnmuseum e.V.
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70064 - Schnellzuglok BR 001 DB
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