44716 - Verbrennungstriebwagen BR VT 137 und Beiwagen BR VS 145 DRG

Diesel Railcar BR VT 137 and Trailer BR VS 145 DRG

Road no.: 137 349 / 145 207

Item no: 44716
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
Item no: 44718
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
Item no: 44719
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 506
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 4 Zweilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
loksound: 2 vorbereitet
Prepared for locomotive soundPrepared for locomotive sound
motorisierung/system: 3 DC dig ex
Direct current Digital EXTRADirect current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
motorisierung/system: 2 AC dig ex
Alternating current Digital EXTRAAlternating current Digital EXTRA
loksound: 1 eingebaut
Integrated locomotive soundIntegrated locomotive sound
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 506
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
radius: 360
Navigable minimum radius 360 mmNavigable minimum radius
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 2 PluX22
schwungmasse: 1
Locomotive has flywheel driveLocomotive has flywheel drive
lichtwechsel: 4 Zweilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic

Further models of the same series

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44736 - Verbrennungstriebwagen VT 137 DR
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44728 - Verbrennungstriebwagen VT 60.5 US-Army
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44724 - Verbrennungstriebwagen BR VT60.5 und Beiwagen VS145 DB
Diesel Railcar BR VT60.5 and Trailer VS145 DB
44720 - Verbrennungstriebwagen BR VT 60.5 und Beiwagen BR VS 145 DB
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