Welcome to the BRAWA novelties 2024!
Around 290 new products in gauge H0 and N
The BRAWA novelties for 2024 for H0 and N gauges are now online - true to the original and with numerous details. Around 290 locomotives and wagons with a wealth of details are waiting to be discovered and enjoyed.
In H0 gauge, the BR 44 Freight Locomotive with oil tender is a real "jumbo" on the rails. This steam locomotive generated an extremely strong tractive force and was primarily used in heavy freight services. The new designs also include the streamlined express train coach of Group 39, totaling 36 models representing various railway companies.
Eight models of the 6-axle ZZd Gas Tank Wagons, which were produced by Fuchs Waggonfabrik A.G. in the 1940s, are now available in H0 as new types for the DRG, DB and DR.
The Shimmns Sliding Roof Wagons are a real highlight – the BRAWA range now includes 17 different variants of this iconic design.
The Omm55 Open Freight Cars played a crucial role in European goods traffic and were often used to transport coal. The new BRAWA models are available in numerous variants that saw service with the DB as well as various European railway companies.
The 2024 range will once again include numerous H0 Freight Cars with advertising imprints in limited editions, and the Z[P] "Storck" Tank Car will be available as part of a special Easter promotion.
In N gauge, for example, BRAWA will launch the TWINDEXX Vario® Double-deck Train from NAH.SH (3-unit), which will also be available as a digital version with sound and switchable light functions.
We hope you enjoy discovering your new favourite models! You can also look forward to the upcoming issues of the BRAWA News Express, in which we will unveil many additional models throughout the year!

Fuchs Waggonfabrik A.G., NAH.SH, Storck and TWINDEXX Vario® are registered trademarks.