Welcome to a brand-new issue of the BRAWA News Express!
In the actual issue of the News Express, BRAWA presents 13 brand-new models in gauge H0 which are not in the New Items Brochure 2024. The special thing about the News Express is that the models will be delivered to the stores in the near future.
Further information and details about the models are available on the relevant product pages. You can download the actual issue of the News Express here and on our download page. We hope you enjoy discovering the numerous details.
Stylish Appearance Including Smart Details
The BRAWA "Umbauwagen" of the German Federal Railroad are four-axle passenger coaches that were created in the 1950s by converting earlier express train and compartment coaches of the Länderbahn era. The models are characterized by a high degree of trueness to the originals and are designed with numerous details such as extra car body supports, multi-part interiors with multi-coloured paintwork, narrow frames to scale, precise reproduction of the roof weld seams and a prototypical reproduction of the bogies.
The models are already available from specialist dealers.

H0 Passenger Coach AB4yge DB
Ep. III, Road no. 34 247 Han

H0 Passenger Coach B4yge DB
Ep. III, Road no. 76 334 Han

H0 Passenger Coach B4yge DB
Ep. IV, Road no. 76 357 Han

H0 Passenger Coach BPw4yge DB
Ep. III, Road no. 98 190 Han

Accompanying Wagon with thrilling details
The BRAWA model of the K.P.E.V. Pg luggage car is now available from specialist dealers and comes with numerous details:
- True to original construction differences
- True to era lighting
- True to era roof fittings
- True to original car bottom
- Metal axle holders
- Bogie with three-point support
- Individually mountes axle box cover, axle brake rod and brake systems
- Brake blocks in wheel plane
- Continuous and separate steps
- Perforated car body supports

H0 Luggage Car Pg K.P.E.V.
Ep. I, Road no. 3914
For real trailer fans: Covered Freight Car "Westfalia"
With the beginning of World War II and the sharp increase in transportation tasks, the DRG suffered from a striking wagon shortage. The only possible remedy was the construction of new wagon types in order to increase the load capacity and loading space volume on the one hand and to reduce the necessary steel consumption drastically on the other hand. Among others, the twoaxle Gmhs Bremen goods wagon was built as part of these efforts. In comparison with the most recent design, the Ghs Oppeln, the wheel base was enlarged by 1 metre, increasing the loading space by 5 m³. From 1943 to January 1945, a total of 7,230 wagons were built in this way. As a result of the war events, the wagons were spread all over Europe so that Gmhs “Bremen” wagons were found in almost all Central-European countries. The wagons were exchanged between the different railways only in part, and not at all between the countries of the later Eastern bloc and Western Europe.
The BRAWA model of the Covered Freight Wagon Gmhs 35 "Westfalia" DB is equipped with metal axle bearings and comes with numerous details such as individually mounted axle box cover and axle brake rod, true to original frame construction, perforated car body supports, individually mounted handrails and steps as well as individually mounted brake systems. The model is available from specialist dealers as from now.

H0 Covered Freight Car Gmhs 35 "Westfalia" DB
Ep. III, Road no. 232 452
Soon fresh on your tracks
The BRAWA models of the CSD refrigerator car L "Pilsener Urquell" and the DB Ibdlps383 "Früh Kölsch" are equipped with metal wheels and are faithfully reproduced with numerous details:
- Brake blocks in wheel plane
- Individually mounted brake systems and wheelchocks
- Individually mounted handle bars and steps
- NEM-standard short-coupling
- True to original frame construction
- Wheelsets with inside contours
- Perforated car body supports
The model is available from specialist dealers as from now.
Freight traffic classics - DR covered freight cars Gags
At the DR four-axle boxcars were an important part of the freight car fleet. The result of developments during the war produced different types of four-axle boxcars which were then produced in large quantities. These developments produced the GGhrsz model from 1966 onwards. These cars were then later designated as Gagmrs-v and then as Gags type code number 1992. The definitive form of the four-axle boxcars of the Deutsche Reichsbahn had finally been identified thanks to this style, which is why the cars were produced in large quantities. The vehicles had a length including buffer of 16.52 m and a loading capacity of 57 t. The body was made up of sheet metal which was welded together and the floor was made out of wood. After the German reunification, these cars were no longer in the communal freight car fleet, but some of them continued to be used as private cars.
The two BRAWA models will be delivered to specialist dealers in the 2nd quarter 2024.
Further models now available from specialist retailers
The following CSD and DR freight cars are also available immediately from specialist dealers.

H0 Rail Car Pae CSD
Ep. IV, Road no. 27-54-380 0095-0

H0 Covered Freight Car Gbs [1500] "ORWO" DR
Ep. IV, Road no. 01 50 150 1258-4

H0 Covered Freight Car G "Wittol" DR
Ep. III, Road no. 05-51-52
RPP: Recommended retail price (incl. 19 % VAT), prices are subject to change. Offer valid until sold out. Subject to modifications in design and shape. Colour deviations are possible.
Früh Kölsch, ORWO Film, Pilsner Urquell, Westfalia and Wittol are registered trademarks.