46821 - Personenwagen BPwif / Bib / ABib und Bib DB

Passenger Coaches BPwif / Bib / ABib and Bib DB

Road no.: 84 856 Esn / 83 223 Esn / 36 120 Esn / 83 521 Esn

Item no: 46821
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
Item no: 46824
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 1 Lötpunkte
Item no: 46827
motorisierung/system: 5 AC dig b+
Alternating current Digital BASIC+Alternating current Digital BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 1 Lötpunkte
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 640
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
lichtwechsel: 3 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2187
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC
(allgemein) schleifer (dynamisch): 2222
AC pick-up can be retrofittedAC pick-up can be retrofitted
Meaning of the Symbols
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
motorisierung/system: 1 DC ana b+
Direct current Analogue BASIC+Direct current Analogue BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 1 Lötpunkte
motorisierung/system: 5 AC dig b+
Alternating current Digital BASIC+Alternating current Digital BASIC+
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 2 eingebaut
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
(allgemein) schnittstelle: 1 Lötpunkte
decoderdoehlerhaass: 1
Decoder Doehler & HaassDecoder Doehler & Haass
lüp: 640
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
lichtwechsel: 3 Dreilicht-Spitzensignal & zwei rote Schlusslichter in Fahrtrichtung wechselnd
inneneinrichtung: 1
With interior fittingsWith interior fittings
(allgemein) innenbeleuchtung (fix oder dyamisch): 1 2212
With interior lightingWith interior lighting
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2187
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC
(allgemein) schleifer (dynamisch): 2222
AC pick-up can be retrofittedAC pick-up can be retrofitted

Model details

  • Metal axle holders
  • True to original axle box cover
  • Individually mounted steps
  • Axle brake frame with brake blocks in wheel plane
  • Individually mounted brake systems
  • True to original interior fitting
  • Individually mounted wheelchocks
  • Finely engraved rivets
  • The DC models of the Train's Command Car must be equipped with a function decoder, e.g. FH22-4 (Order No. 0018271.00), for digital operation.


Info about the original

The summer timetable of 1956 included three six-part reversible train sets deployed by the Dortmund central station railway depot (Bw Dortmund Hbf). Comprising a Bif (control car), an ABib and four Bib cars of standard design, these sets were pulled or pushed, depending on the direction, by a 78-series locomotive stationed at Bw Dortmund Hbf. In the precursor to the S-Bahn service, these reversible trains departed Dortmund central station multiple times daily, heading to Hagen, Witten, Herne, Wanne-Eickel and Gelsenkirchen. The three timetables commenced between 4 and 5 am and, in some cases, ran until shortly before midnight. With a typical turnaround time of about ten minutes at the destination station, the advantages of these reversible trains were fully exploited in terms of the timetable.

Further models of the same series

46830 - Gepäckwagen Pwghs DB
Luggage Car Pwghs DB
46823 - Personenwagen Bib DB
Passenger Coach Bib DB
46822 - Personenwagen Bib DB
Passenger Coach Bib DB
46816 - Gepäckwagen Pwih ÖBB
Luggage Car Pwih ÖBB
46815 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Bih ÖBB
Standard Corridor Coach Bih ÖBB
46814 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen ABih ÖBB
Standard Corridor Coach ABih ÖBB
46813 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen ABiph ÖBB
Standard Corridor Coach ABiph ÖBB
46807 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Bi DR
Standard Corridor Coach Bi DR
46806 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Bi DR
Standard Corridor Coach Bi DR
46805 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Biptr DR
Standard Corridor Coach Biptr DR
46804 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Bip DR
Standard Corridor Coach Bip DR
46803 - Gepäckwagen Pwi DR
Luggage Car Pwi DR
46792 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Ci-28 DRG
Standard Corridor Coach Ci-28 DRG
46791 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Ci-28 DRG
Standard Corridor Coach Ci-28 DRG
46790 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen BCi-29 DRG
Standard Corridor Coach BCi-29 DRG
46789 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen Bi-29 DRG
Standard Corridor Coach Bi-29 DRG
46788 - Gepäckwagen Pwi-29 DRG
Luggage Car Pwi-29 DRG
46785 - Personenwagen Bif-29 / ABib-29 / Bib-28 und Bib-28 DB, 4er-Set
Passenger Coaches Bif-29 / ABib-29 / Bib-28 and Bib-28 DB, set of 4
46778 - Personenwagen Bi-28 DB
Passenger Coach Bi-28 DB
46777 - Personenwagen ABi-28 DB
Passenger Coach ABi-28 DB
46776 - Personenwagen Bif-28 / Bi-28 / Bi-28 und Bi-28 DB, 4er-Set - Wendezug-Set
Passenger Coaches Bif-28 / Bi-28 / Bi-28 and Bi-28 DB, set of 4 - Push-pull train
46773 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen BPwif-28 DB, Befehlswagen
Standard Corridor Coach BPwif-28 DB
46722 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen B2mep CFL
Standard Corridor Coach B2mep CFL
46721 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen B2mp CFL
Standard Corridor Coach B2mp CFL
46720 - Einheits-Durchgangswagen AB2mp CFL
Standard Corridor Coach AB2mp CFL
46719 - Gepäckwagen D2mep CFL
Luggage Car D2mep CFL
46718 - Personenwagen B§6§ tmfp SNCF
Passenger Coach B6 tmfp SNCF
46717 - Personenwagen B§6§ tnf SNCF
Passenger Coach B6 tnf SNCF
46716 - Personenwagen B§5§ ½ tmfp SNCF
Passenger Coach B5 ½ tmfp SNCF
46715 - Personenwagen A§5§ tmfp SNCF
Passenger Coach A5 tmfp SNCF