47121 - Rungenwagen Rgmms FS

Stake Car Rgmms FS

Road no.: 31 83 396 8 879-4

Item no: 47121
Sold out
lüp: 161.4
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2187
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC
Meaning of the Symbols
lüp: 161.4
Length over buffer in mmLength over buffer in mm
kurzkupplungskinematik: 1
The model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematicThe model has a coupler pocket and short coupling cinematic
ac radsatz: 2187
Replacement wheel set for ACReplacement wheel set for AC

Model details

  • Axle holders made of embossed sheet metal
  • Individually mounted wheelchocks
  • Individually mounted brake switch
  • Finely engraved details
  • True to original car bottom
  • Wheelsets with inside contours
  • Insertable stakes


Info about the original

The UIC standardised a flat car as the UIC standard type 2 with a loading length of 12.64 m and a length over buffers of 14.04 m. The car was ordered by almost all European railway companies, both with and without side walls. From 1968 onwards, the Deutsche Bahn ordered a total of 2695 type 663 and 664 cars with side walls and 660 type 665 cars with side walls. The Deutsche Bahn wagons were special because their side walls were made of aluminium, while other European railway companies preferred side walls in steel. Most of the wagons purchased by the Deutsche Bahn are still in use, though several modifications have been made. Some have been fitted with type Y25 bogies and some have been converted into container cars.

Further models of the same series

47120 - Rungenwagen Remms SNCF
Stake Car Remms SNCF
47119 - Rungenwagen Remms§665§ DB AG
Stake Car Remms665 DB AG